Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Carrer management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Carrer management - Essay Example With my psychometric result, I have further explored that ESFJs also have the quality to take good care of things that are in their custody (Butt 2009). They are excellent protectors and can gain remarkable achievements in education and medical field. Functional analysis of ESFJs shows that they have extraverted feelings and they are talented enough to adapt to new environments quickly, most specifically they have command over e-world gadgets and systems (Cazenovia 2012). In addition, they can easily express a variety of feelings in front of others and mostly they are motivated or de-motivated with others response towards their thoughts and actions. Further, it has been noticed that ESFJ are usually career oriented people and they do have passion to do something remarkable in the aspect of academic or professional ground. Additionally, they seek interesting as well as satisfying careers and to do this they work with deep concentration and intend to attempt all processes in a thoughtf ul manner. Competitive partner or environment works as a catalyst for them because they always possess passion to defeat all their enemies and competitors and in order to achieve this purpose they can do anything, which is possible and accessible. Personal swot analysis illustrates my strengths, followed by my weaknesses, then opportunities, which will assist me during my journey towards goals and the threats that might be a barrier in the path towards my objective. My biggest strength is that I am a business management undergraduate student at PSB institute and I am only a few steps away from my completing my degree. I know it is my greatest strength and it will help me in the near future to take initiative in the business world (Psni 2012). I am very passionate about my career and I am confident that my talent, skills, and willingness to achieve my

Monday, October 28, 2019

Video games and violence Essay Example for Free

Video games and violence Essay Whatever happened to Candy Land and Monopoly? Today’s youth are being molded into the future working adults improving skills, at the same time, showing aggressive behaviors playing video games. Today’s Video games can be very misleading when it comes to discerning the fantasy of the game. This brings forth serious behavioral issues. According to Curt (1990), â€Å"What worries many experts is that video-game violence is abnormally stimulating, arrives with the apparent sanction of parents and society, and appears on the same TV screen as the evening news, this blurring the distinction between play slaughter and real life carnage. †(Curt, Washington Post,1990,p. 1) Children are consumed within the game. They lose focus of themselves. As a result this affects today’s youth in acting out by manipulating adults in order to get their way(Curt 1990). These behavioral issues are turned around into a more positive manner though. In the game of, Call of Duty, children are soldiers standing up to defend their country. While as adults the reality comes out and washes away the fantasy environment of video games. While on the other hand, video games can be very beneficial for todays youth. Thilmarry(2012) notes that, â€Å"In the article, University of Rochester researchers Daphne Bavelier and C. Shawn Green looked at a study they did on the futuristic first-person shooter game† Unreal Tournament,†in which they found players improved perceptual and attention skills by playing in a first person shooter, player shoot from their own perspective as if theyre holding the shooting device. † While immersed in the game, they have the opportunity to fine tune their perception and memory skills. This could also lead to higher results on test in school with increased memory skills. This also aids todays youth in their problem solving skills when it comes to being sociable and interacting with their peers. Many children self-esteem are increased, as a result, of feeling that they are able to excel within the game. Whereas, under peer-pressure, the child would crumble with the bad comments tossed towards them in not measuring up to other standards. Which in turn makes the video game environment more beneficial for todays youth. With the ever changing technology our children are better equipped for the future. Todays youth are being prepared with various systems and newer versions of games. While in the business environment, working adults are working with ever changing programs. In todays video games, players are able to role-play with other players on the internet. While in the modern business world, adults are using the chat environment to interact with others making well-informed decisions together. With updated versions of video games todays youth learn to adapt more into well informed adults. While Monopoly maybe a long drawn out board game, there is nothing like an exciting video game for todays youth in the ever changing technological day in age. We should always be mindful to buy the most updated and appropriate rated video games for our youth. References 1. Suplee,C. W. P. (1990, Dec28). Weighing virtues, vices of video games. Orlando Sentinel. Retrieved from HTTP://search. proquest. com/docview/277808375? account id = 7374 2. Thilmarry, J. (2012). Gaming pros and cons. Mechanical Engineering, 0135(3),20-20. Retrieved from HTTP:// search. proquest. com/docview/963767435? account id=7374.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Political History of Italy Essays -- History of Italy Essays

The political history of Italy is quite extensive. The Greeks were the first to settle in Italy and established colonies in the southern part of the country and in Sicily. There was not a sense of political reality as much as there was a civilization (Windows on Italy- History). While the Greeks controlled the south the Gauls, or Celtic people, ruled the north and the Po Valley. But the most important group to settle in Italy was the Etruscans. Because of their advanced civilization, the Etruscans were the only ones to establish political and cultural ideas before the Roman Empire (Windows on Italy- History). At the end of the Etruscans rule, Rome began a unification of Italy and established Latin to be the general language (Defusco). By 6th century BC, the city of Rome came into power. During this growing power, Rome began fighting other civilizations to expand its territory. Amongst these populations was Rome’s long time friend Carthage. Rome soon became greedy and made war on Carthage in the Second Punic War (Defusco). The Punic Wars lead Rome to gain territories along the Mediterranean basin. At the end of the Third Punic War, Rome defeated Carthage and became the major Mediterranean military power (Windows on Italy- History). In all of Rome’s defeats, Greece was the most significant. The Romans adopted Greek customs and ideas as their own. This changed the society of Rome by developing a new culture and way of thinking. The Roman Empire was soon developed by the ideas of Augustus, leading to a more democratic way of governing. The Empire created an expansion of Roman civilization by its leaders conquering other civilizations. The Empire ruled for many years under many different Emperors. During this time there was a mixture of rule between a hereditary Emperor and a Senate. With the fall of the Empire after the death of Theodosius, Italy was then attack from neighboring civilizations in the north and west. These invasions soon lead to the rising of power in individual city-states (Defusco). The citizens of the cities abolished the ideas of feudalism and searched for their own identity. Their searching lead to violent acts amongst themselves in determining who should govern, but despite the fighting, each city contributed greatly to the economy and helped to raise the cultural energy of Rome (Defusco). By the year 1861, a unified Italy was... ...e the beginning of its unification, Italy has battled with the differences of the north and south. It will take a long time to achieve economic stability in the south, but one that must be reached in order to increase the economic growth for the whole country. With its strong nationalistic views, Italy is well on its way to achieving its goals. Works Cited CIA-World Factbook-Italy. 2001. (26 Nov. 2001). Defusco. Italy-Culture and History. 2001. (26 Nov. 2001). Electric Library. Columbia University Press: 2001. (26 Nov. 2001). Embassy of Italy in the United States. Washington D.C.: 2001. (26 Nov. 2001). U.S. Department of State. 2001. (26 Nov. 2001). Windows on Italy-the Constitution. Italian National Research Council: 2001. (26 Nov. 2001). Windows on Italy-the History. Italian National Research Council: 2001. (26 Nov. 2001).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pretty Little Liars Essay

Are Pretty Little Liars good at keeping their dirty secretes? Pretty Little Liars a favorite ABC Family series is built around five teenage friends, until one goes missing and is found dead. It has a strong hint of supernatural force that mean no good. It makes most popular vampire romances look anemic. Because of a popular series of HarperTeen books by Sara Shepard, Pretty Little Liars follows the nervous lives of four girls in Rosewood, Pa. It’s a small town and these girls seem to have it all and that sets it up for an even better drama, when we start to see they also have secrets. The season premier starts with the disappearance and apparent death of the fifth girl in the circle, Alison DiLorentis. If the PLL series were traditional, Alison, Sasha Pieterse would have been the sweetest girl in school and no one could imagine anyone wanting to hurt her. If that’s what you’re expecting here, you’re wrong. Alison was a bitchy gossiper, backstabber and cruel practical joker. In any case, they were all together the night she disappeared and we join the story a year later, when free spirit Aria, Lucy Hale, nerdySpencer,TroianBellisario, crazy Hanna, Ashley Benson and jock Emily Shay Mitchell have drifted apart. Drug and alcohol use, foul language, scanty clothing, sexual innuendo and some passioate make-out scenes and homosexuality all make Pretty Little Liars a series that keeps viewers on their feet. Every episode leaves you with a cliffhanger. They run into each other in random chance encounters, however, that suggest each is harboring dark secrets, some related to Alison and some not. Since they apparently weren’t into deep sharing when they were all best friends then, they aren’t spilling now. Except they have two problems. A local cop is determined to find out what happened to Alison. Second, the girls all start getting mysterious messages that suggest some supernatural force knows all the secrets and could and sometimes do expose them to the public. Could the messages be coming from Alison? But isn’t that impossible? What kind of phone network lets you keep texting when you’re dead? I’d say that’s beyond 4g. It’s one thing to talk with your friends about lacrosse practice or the hot guy in the French class. It’s something else when you’re trying to figure out what happened to your disappeared friend, and how disappeared she really is. â€Å"Pretty Little Liars† is good at making us care about the girl’s lives. It keeps us thinking each week as to what might happen the next.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Explain the Benefits and Opportunities to the Business of Using Internet Marketing Within the Marketing Mix a Selected Business

An effective ‘Marketing Mix' including all 7 is a way of identifying a business’s achievements of marketing objectives, meeting customer needs, is balanced and consistent, creates a competitive advantage and matches corporate resources. Product ASOS promotes their products very effectively as they use clever visual tools such as 360 degree view of their product, video and picture to enhance the quality of the product itself. They also provide a range of products and service including clothes, accessories, shoes/sandals etc and its provided for men and women.They include their own brand and designer wear which shows that they have high quality in their product. ASOS have mentioned in their annual report that their 20 biggest brands are now represented by a ‘shop in shop' providing a rich brand experience for their customers and a unique distribution platform for ASOS brand partners. ASOS also sells a range of products matching famous celebrity's outfits that custome rs would want to buy. ASOS, online or in their magazine provides customers the latest fashion info and what not to wear giving them an advantage to promote their products.Their business attract over 5. 2 million visitors per month Price The price has a lot of impact on the service buyer’s satisfaction level. Often, paying a higher price makes a customer more satisfied. Price is often considered a proxy for quality and vice-versa. What is important to note that services being all the more intangible, the price becomes an important factor for the actual service consumption to happen, after service awareness and service acknowledgement. Thier price for the products vary depending on the product – quality, brand etc.For the designer items it can be expensive, although ASOS may provide same looking product without the brand name making it affordable. With the price they offer ASOS is making a Profit over ? 10,009,000 figure taken from ASOS annual report as they have increas ed number of active shoppers over 1. 2 million Promotion The promtion plays a role in the perception the possible target audience may have about your service. There has to be a fit between the promotion and the positioning. Promotion leads to service (brand) recognition and further establishes a proxy to evaluate quality of services based by potential ustomers. ASOS uses their business is purely based upon the internet everything is promoted through the World Wide Web on the website and off. They have promotion on other websites and also ASOS has developed an application to allow customers to track particular products on its sites through their web browser, whatever websites they are looking at. The online retailer has used functionality within the latest version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer 8 web brower, which Microsoft released on March 19. PlacePlace represents the location where a product can be purchased. It is often known as the distribution channel. The place can be situa ted as a physical store or as virtuals stores on the internet. ASOS. com is rapidly becoming the market leader in the UK online fashion world. All the products are sold ONLINE and not located anywhere else where people can purchase ASOS items. ASOS does have a warehouse where all stocks are kept and together has a office located in hardfordshire. Processes processes are important to deliver a quality service.Services being intangible, processes become all the more crucial to ensure standards are met with. Process mapping ensures that your service is perceived as being dependable by your target segment. This is the procedures of activities which lead to an exchange of value. The process should include how customers are handled from first and last point of contact. ASOS is determined to be number one in the online market. They have thought through their process and kept it clear and have made it customer satisfactory. ASOS's strategy consists of aims that has a well-defined process.AS OS have control of their website, their information/images etc are presented without any doubt intelligibly promotional. Payments are all done through their website online as they are only an online business. Also they have a step-by-step information on how to use and buy off their website, they also have page on delivery information. Here they can track down on where shopping is, know how much is cost to deliver, know when to expect the delievery etc. People People is crucial in service delivery. The best food may not seem equally palatable if the waitress is in a sour mood.A smile always helps. Intensive training for your human resources on how to handle customers and how to deal with contingencies, is crucial for your success. People Are their employees, customers – their family and friends, and any other people associated with ASOS. com. Employees are important to this strategy of marketing mix as in can be those who deliever the products to customers. So they have to pol ite, helpful and have the knowledge of the business for them to answer any questions provided by the customer.It can also be the employees that answer the phone when any customer calls for any quiries. ASOS. com also have employees updating their website and replying to emails and online comments on their feedback page. ASOS employees has the knowledge, training and other aspect helping the business with marketing for their business. ASOS customers are also people that help in the marketing of services as they spread the business information. Physical evidence Pyhsical evidence affects the customer’s satisfaction.Often, services being intangible, customers depend on other cues to judge the offering. This is where physical evidence plays a part. Would you like eating at a joint where the table is greasy or the waitresses and cooks look untidy and wear a stained apron? Surely you would evaluate the quality of your experience through proxies such as these. As ASOS. com is an onl ine company their customer has difficulty not knowing how for example a dress will feel, look on them. ASOS therefore provides annual reports, articles, etc showing them that ASOS products are worth the value.ASOS helps customers with their products by giving them full information about the product. They have recieved awards that convince customers to buy online. First award was given to them in 2008 from Company High Street Awards for ‘Best Place To Spend' and the second was given in 2009 from Drapers Etail Awards for ‘Best Customer Experience Cosmopolitan Online Fashion Awards – Best for Bargains'. ASOS allows to give unwanted products back and their staff are always helpful and polite towards their customer as its one of their business objectives.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Good and Bad of a School Principal Job

The Good and Bad of a School Principal Job I love being a principal of a school. There is nothing else that I want be doing at this point in my life. This does not mean that I enjoy every aspect of my job. There are certainly aspects that I could do without, but the positives far outweigh the negatives for me. This is my dream job. Being the principal of a school is demanding, but it is also rewarding. You must be thick skinned, hard working, diligent, flexible, and creative to be a good principal. It is not a job for just anyone. There are days that I question my decision to become a principal. However, I always bounce back knowing that the reasons I love being a principal are more powerful than the reasons I hate it. Reasons I Love Being a Principal of a School I love making a difference. It is fulfilling to see the aspects that I have a direct hand in making a positive impact on students, teachers, and the school as a whole. I love collaborating with teachers, offering feedback, and seeing them grow and improve in their classroom from day to day and year to year. I enjoy investing time in a difficult student and seeing them mature and grow to the point that they lose that label. I am proud when a program I helped create flourishes and evolves into a significant component of the school. I love having a larger impact. As a teacher, I made a positive impact on the students I taught. As a principal, I have made a positive impact on the entire school. I am involved with every aspect of the school in some way. Hiring new teachers, evaluating teachers, writing school policy, and establishing programs to meet school-wide needs all impact the school as a whole. These things likely will go unnoticed by others when I make the right decision, but it is satisfying to see others being positively impacted by a decision I made. I love working with people. I love working with the different groups of people that I am able to as a principal. This includes other administrators, teachers, support staff, students, parents, and community members. Each sub-group requires me to approach them differently, but I enjoy the collaboration with all of them. I realized early on that I work with people as opposed to against them. This has helped shape my overall educational leadership philosophy. I enjoy building and maintaining healthy relationships with the constituents of my school. I love being a problem solver. Every day brings about a different set of challenges as a principal. I have to be adept at problem solving to get through each day. I love coming up with creative solutions, which are often outside the box. Teachers, parents, and students come to me on a daily basis seeking answers. I must be able to provide them with quality solutions that will satisfy the problems they have. I love motivating students. I enjoy finding entertaining and unusual ways to motivate my students. Over the years, I’ve spent a cold November night on the roof of the school, jumped out of an airplane, dressed like a woman, and sang Karaoke to Carly Rae Jepsen’s Call Me Maybe in front of the entire school. It has generated a lot of buzz and the students absolutely love it. I know that I look crazy while I am doing these things, but I want my students to be excited about coming to school, reading books, etc. and these things have been effective motivational tools. I love the pay check. My gross salary was $24,000 the first year I taught. It is hard for me to fathom how I survived. Luckily, I was single at the time, or it would have been difficult. The money is certainly better now. I am not a principal for the pay check, but I cannot deny that making more money is an enormous benefit to becoming an administrator. I work extremely hard for the money that I make, but my family is able to live comfortably with some extras that my parents were never able to afford when I was a kid. Reasons I Hate Being a Principal of a School I hate playing politics. Unfortunately, there are many aspects of public education that is political. In my opinion, politics dilutes education. As a principal, I understand that it is necessary to be political in many cases. There are many times that I want to call parents out on when they come to my office and blow smoke about how they are going to handle their child. I refrain from this because I know that it is not in the school’s best interest to do so. It is not always easy to bite your tongue, but sometimes it is best. I hate dealing with the negative. I deal with complaints on a daily basis. It is a large part of my job, but there are days when it becomes overwhelming. Teachers, students, and parents like to gripe and moan about each other continuously. I feel confident in my ability to handle and smooth things over. I am not one of those that sweep things under the rug. I spend the necessary time to investigate any complaint, but these investigations can be time daunting and time consuming. I hate being the bad guy. My family and I recently went on vacation to Florida. We were watching a street performer when he picked me to help him with a part of his act. He asked me my name and what I did. When I told him I was a principal, I got booed by the audience. It is sad that being a principal has such a negative stigma associated to it. I have to make difficult decisions every day, but they are often based on mistakes of others. I hate standardized testing. I loathe standardized testing. I believe that standardized tests should not be the end all evaluation tool for schools, administrators, teachers, and students. At the same time, I understand that we live in an era with an overemphasis of standardized testing. As a principal, I feel that I am forced to push that overemphasis of standardized testing on my teachers and on my students. I feel like a hypocrite for doing so, but I understand that current academic success is measured by testing performance whether I believe it is right or not. I hate telling teachers no because of a budget. Education is an investment. It is an unfortunate reality that many schools do not have the technology, curriculum, or teachers necessary to maximize learning opportunities for students due to a budget shortfall. Most teachers spend a significant amount of their own money to buy things for their classroom when the district tells them no. I have had to tell teachers no, when I knew they had a fantastic idea, but our budget just would not cover the expense. I have a hard time doing that at the expense of our students. I hate the time it takes away from my family. A good principal spends a lot of time in his office when no one else is in the building. They are often the first one to arrive and the last to leave. They attend almost every extra curricular event. I know that my job requires a significant investment of time. This investment of time takes time away from my family. My wife and boys understand, and I am appreciative of that. It is not always easy, but I try to ensure a balance of my time between work and family.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Analysis Ms. Found in a Bottle by Edgar Poe Essay Example

Analysis Ms. Found in a Bottle by Edgar Poe Essay Example Analysis Ms. Found in a Bottle by Edgar Poe Paper Analysis Ms. Found in a Bottle by Edgar Poe Paper Ms. Found In A Bottle by Edgar Poe The story for analysis Ms. Found in a Bottle is written by Edgar Allan Poe. The text is about a man who describes the loss of a ship and its crew and his own discoveries. So the subject matter is the cognition of life and death. The story begins with the exposition. In this part of the text the narrator tries to persuade the reader that the story he is going to tell is true, and for this purpose the following stylistic devises are used. The Pyrrhonism of my opinions has at all times rendered me notorious. The metaphor the Pyrrhonism means skepticism, for this stylistic device refers to a philosophers name Pyrrhon, who tended to doubt and not to believe the fundamental truths. The epithet notorious and the phraseological unit at all times also attract our attention, for at all times is used in official notices and stresses the seriousness of the authors intention. And notorious puts more emphasis on the fact the narrator has been very skeptic, and th ats why his words, notwithstanding their incredibility, deserve the readers attention. Further he continues to convince us: No person could be less liable than myself to be led away from the sever precincts of truth by ignes fatui. ignes fatui are deceptive hopes which cant distract him from real facts. One more example can be conveyed through the following metaphorical sentence: A strong relish for physical philosophy has tinctured my mind. Physical philosophy means scientific or philosophy that needs proofs. Owing to the sentence Hereditary wealth afforded me an education of no common order, the reader learns that the narrator was rich and well-educated. In the following sentence the writer hints what he is going to portray: Of my country and of my family I have little to say. The reader sees that his native land and close people are not his first consideration. So something much more profound troubles him. The complication comes in the sentence One evening †¦ I observed a very singular isolated cloud†¦ The piling up of the epithets singular and isolated and the intensifier (adverb) very put us on our guard. But then tense atmosphere increases. For conveying it the author describes the nature using epithets and comparisons effectively: dusky-red appearance of the moon and the peculiar character of the sea †¦ a rapid change and the water seemed more than usually transparent †¦ The air became intolerably hot, and was loaded with spiral exhalations similar to those arising from heated iron. As night came on, every breath of wind died away †¦ The description of nature helps to create the atmosphere of anticipation. But the captain doesnt share our heros presentiments. On the one hand, it seems rather strange that an ordinary passenger foresees a simoom, and a sophisticated captain doesnt notice anything; but on the other hand that helps us to realize that the work is rather symbolic. Speaking about the ship, the narrator uses the pronoun she. In fact the ship implied to the soul of a human being, the soul where some changes take place. So the internal conflict comes into existence: between the heros skeptic attitude to life and death and his admiration to them. As it was mentioned, the character was well-educated. And his skepticism presupposes meditation (reflection).

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Whats an Excellent SAT Score

What's an Excellent SAT Score SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The SAT score is one of the most important parts of your college applicationsbecause it’s one of the only things that’s standardized. When all student applicants are taking the same exam, admissions officers can use it as a barometer to compare students that come from different backgrounds, educations, strengths, weaknesses, and intellectual abilities. If all students take the same exam, and all admissions officers look at those exam scores in the same way, then it should be easy to figure out what an excellent SAT score is, right? Not necessarily. Like most things, an excellent SAT score is all relative. In this post, I’ll talk about different types of â€Å"excellent† scores in relation to the entire US, your general peer group, your prospective colleges, and (maybe most importantly) yourself. A Note Before We Get Started: Percentiles When we discuss exam scores when compared to other groups - groups as big as the US student population or as small as your high school English class - we use percentiles. Percentiles are different from percentages. A percent scoretells you what portion of the exam you got correct, whereas a percentile score tells you how you did on the exam compared to everyone else who took it.For example, a percent score of 80% on an exam means that you got 80% of the questions correct. An 80th percentile score would mean that you scored better than 80% of the students who took thesame test. Percentile scores are more meaningful than percentages when we talk about SAT scores, because what’s important is how you score when compared to other students.To give another example, let's say you take a very difficult exam in a large lecture course and only score a 50%. You might be disappointed because you'd assume you scored poorly. If you learned that everyone else in the class scored lower than 50% on their exam, you'd know that you scored in the 99th percentile - that changes your perception of your performance, right? Same thing goes for SAT scores. Excellent SAT Scores for the General US Population Talk about a big comparison group. If you’re new to the SAT and are unsure what SAT scores actually mean, comparing your scores to those of the general population isthe best place to start. The SAT score range isn’t necessarily intuitive, like an exam scored out of 100 points. Seeing how you â€Å"rank† relative to all students is the best way to start understanding your own performance. As you probably know, the SAT is scored out of a total of 1600 points.The average composite SAT score is about 1000 points - around the 50th percentile. An "excellent" score relative to the general population will ultimately depend on your own definition of excellence. For the sake of this post, we'll say that an excellent score sits at about the 75th percentile. This means that if you score at or above the 75th percentile, your score is higher than at least 3/4 of all test-takers. So how do these (and other) percentiles translate into SAT scores? 25th percentile about 840 composite score 50th percentile about 1000 composite score 75th percentile about 1200composite score You can get more detailed information on SAT scores and percentiles here. Given this information, where do you think you would set your "excellence" cutoff? Excellent SAT Scores for Your Peer Group What matters when you apply to colleges isn’t necessarily how your performance compares to that of the rest of the high school students in the nation. What matters is how you compare to kids who are similar to you - similar in terms of background, geographical area, high school type, grades, extracurriculars. You’ll have to stand out against your peers, not necessarily against a student who lives across the country from you with different interests, passions, and activities. In order to determine what SAT scores are considered "excellent" amongyour peers, you need to have a good general idea of what your peers' scores are. SAT scores can be a sensitive topic, so here are some tips for getting information on this: 1. Get average SAT scores for your high school.Some schools have a report available where you can see aggregated SAT scores from past students. If you're not sure about how to access this information, check in with a guidance counselor. They may have their own thoughts about what they consider excellent SAT scores for your school. 2. Get average SAT scores from your classmates. If you want to narrow down your comparative peer group even more, you could consider the average scores of other students in your classes. SAT scores from peers in honors classes should give you an even better idea of excellent peer scores. If you feel comfortable asking around, make an effort to do that - just make sure not to pressure anyone into sharing scores. Excellent SAT Scores for College So now that you have a good idea of how you compare to your peers, you can start figuring out your best target schools based on SAT scores. Now, SAT scores are important for getting you into college, but people don’t tend to care about them once you get in. Your SAT scores don’t have to be at the top of the range (e.g. at the 75th percentile) for the schools you’re interested in attending - that would mean 75% of attending students were accepted with lower scores. Ultimately, they just have to be good enough to get your application considered. (Exception:if you anticipate that your application will be weak in other areas, higher SAT scores than other applicants will help your admissions case.) The best way to figure out what SAT score is likely to get you into a particular school is to look up the school's "middle 50" SAT scores. The middle 50 is the range of student scores between the 25th percentile and the 75th percentile - so if you ranked all the students in a college's class by SAT scores, this would be the score range for the 50% of students standing right in the middle. You can find detailed instructions on figuring out a school's optimal SAT score range. If your SAT is in the top 25% of scores for schools that you're considering (and your application is otherwise strong),you may want to consider applying to more competitive schools. By more competitive, I mean schools with higher average SAT scores and lower admissions rates.There are many benefits to attending a better-ranked school: it's likely to be more intellectually challengingand to have a stronger student body due to a more selective admissions process. A more prestigious school also sends a better "signal" to graduate programs and future employers, potentially leading to better income and career outcomes. If you'd like more information about optimal application strategies, check out our guides on reach and safety schools. Excellent SAT Scores for Yourself Time for some realistic self-evaluation. So you've considered what "excellent" SAT scores are relative to the country, your peers, and your target schools. Although these are all helpful comparison groups, there's one very important factor we have yet to take into consideration: your own abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Excellent scores by more objective standards may come easier to some students than others. Setting unrealistic goals for yourself based on these standards will be frustrating and unhelpful; setting "easy" goals for yourself based on these standards will mean that you sell yourself short. In order to come out of this process with both strong scores and your sanity intact, it's important to consider your own abilities when determining what SAT scores are "excellent." So how do you figure out what an excellent SAT score means for you? 1. Get a baseline score. Study for 10 hours in order to gain basic familiarity with the test and its content before taking a practice test. This will give you a baseline score to work from. Students can often improve 160+ points from baseline with additional test preparation. 2. Reach your own score maximum. Students usually reach a max limit after 40-80 hours of effective, focused studying. Getting that much prep in will mean you are dedicating yourself to excellence by your own standards. How Do You Prepare to Earn Excellent SAT Scores? You might have a roughrange in mind for those excellent scores you're hoping to earn. If not, you'll hopefully get a good baseline score to work from based on the guidelines above. Once you're ready to start working up towards that range, follow the guidelines here for an effective SAT preparation plan: 1. Set a timeline. If you're going to prepare for the SAT, you'll need a reasonable study plan based on how much time you have before the exam. Get instructions on how to do this here. 2. Set a goal score.You won't have anything to work towards if you don't set a challenging, but realistic, goal score for yourself. Start by looking up the "middle 50" SAT score ranges for target schools. You can get up-to-date information on these scores by Googling"[school name] PrepScholar admissions requirements." 3. Stick to a study plan. You can work from a study planspecifically for sophomores, juniors, or seniors, or you can come up withyour own. Try scheduling study sessions in your calendar ahead of time, or letting your parents in on your plan so they can hold you accountable. The better you stick to your plan, the more effective your studying will be. What's Next? Motivated to start bringing up those SAT scores? Here areguides to setting your timeline, SAT reading, SAT writing, and SAT math. If you are running out of time to improve your scores, not to worry - we have last-minute strategy guides as well! Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Final Exa, Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Final Exa, - Essay Example Solution A is hypotonic; B is isotonic while that of C is hypertonic. In the case of the solution A, the celery cell will imbibe water molecule and bulge due to osmosis. In the case of solution B, there will be no change in the shape of the celery cell (Campbell, & Reece, 2005). This is because they are of equal concentration and water molecules will be getting into the cell and leaving at the same rate. Lastly, in the solution C, the celery cell will lose shape due to loss of water molecules from the cell-the surrounding is more concentrated than the cell with solute (Campbell, & Reece, 2005). 59. The genotypes of the offspring’s will be; pP-Yy, Pp-Yy, Pp-yy, pp-yy. The phenotypes of the off springs then will be 2 yellow and plump, 1 yellow and shrunken, 1 purple and shrunken. These phenotypes are demonstrated in that manner because P and Y are dominant genes and will always prevail. 60. One of the major environmental problems facing the world is the release of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere resulting into the increased global warming. The problem is much palpable in the heavily industrialized nations that embrace technology and machinery in large scale. The release of chlorofluorocarbons, methane, carbon monoxide and other gases regarded as greenhouse gases do contribute to the entire global warming. 61. Some structures are only found in plant and not in animals these includes; Cell wall, chloroplast, and cell vacuole. The cell wall helps in the maintenance of turgor pressure experienced by the plant cell when they imbibe more water. The chloroplasts on the other hand do help the plant with the provision of chlorophyll with is the sole light trapper for the process of photosynthesis to take place. The cell vacuole also plays a very important role in the maintenance of the plant structure. 62. The term biome is used to refer to the terrestrial habitats. In the Biome, the climatic systems tend to condition certain characteristics on the plant and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Comparison of Romanesque Angouleme Cathedral and Gothic Amiens Research Paper

Comparison of Romanesque Angouleme Cathedral and Gothic Amiens Cathedral - Research Paper Example Angouleme illustrates the ideal 12th century renaissance that was typical throughout the western countries, and this influenced lateral derivation of the Romanesque artistic work from the antique. The cathedral was built under Bishop Gerald and represented the Pope’s authority; mainly in the archdiocese of Bordeaux, Auch, Tours, and Bourages (Tcherikover, 62). It was a symbol of or an instrument of control by the reform Papacy of the late eleventh century, and went beyond to Gerald’s time. This made the cathedral to represent the temporary rise of a secondary provincial cathedral due to the specific conditions available in the reform period. On the other hand, the Gothic cathedral of Amiens was built between 1220- 1269 and was built after the destruction of the old cathedral in 1218; with the nave chapels, west towers and the central steeple being built later on (Murray,12). Being governed by the commune Notre Dame, the cathedral was the seat of the bishop and was a spe cial center for the chapter of forty canons. As Murray (111) elaborates, the construction of the Cathedral of Amiens was contentious, with designs being altered and this made the cathedral to be built in several sessions, with the last being in 1269 when the cathedral was competed. The Romanesque architecture was derogatory term since the building of the Romanesque periods had elements and style that reflected the Roman culture. Hamlin (237) argues that the transition was not a smooth one, and there was thin line between the transition periods. However, the Romanesque architecture had created much ecclesiastical architecture in hick they imposed on believers in these cathedrals. Some architects in this age and especially Germans, the French and the Britons designed new approaches that slowly combined the Romanesque architecture into their cathedrals, but left some to include new design approaches. As Hamlin (237) argues, though many preferred the traditional Romanesque style, the ne w form slowly crept in as features were either omitted or changes were affected to the Romanesque style, and with time each cathedral was built in the new Gothic approach and this marked the transition from the Romanesque style into the Gothic style of architecture. Incidentally, the Notre Dame or Cathedral of Amiens was allowed to be constructed fully using the new gothic artistic work (Cecile, 41). The two cathedrals will hereby be compared to portray the difference in design and the decorations that include the sculptural works. Comparing the two cathedrals in design and decorations, the Angouleme cathedral portrays decorations that make the cathedral more spiritualistic, while the Amiens cathedral has more individualized designs and decorations that portray creativity and a move to modernity in architectural work. Design i. Arcs and naves As Davies (1998) argues, the remarkable feature that makes the cathedral of Amiens different from the cathedral of Angouleme and as a complete gothic artistic work was the design. Davis further elaborates that the cathedral’s complex grandeur in forms, spaces stone figures and the lifelike shapes makes the cathedral to portray an experience that embraced both the future and the past in its design. Cecile (42) further argues that the Cathedral of

How to Manage the Risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

How to Manage the Risk - Essay Example The major purpose of the bank is to support the favorable economic conditions which will help to stabilize the monetary policy of USA. This factor includes price stabilization, money supply, acquisition of credit and increase in overall growth and employment. As a central bank, it also needs to monitor and supervise the operations of other commercial banks to make sure the safety and security and to protect the interest of the customers. The most important enforcement capability of Federal Reserve is that it controls inflation and generates employment opportunities in the United States. It also helps the US govt. and other financial institutions in the US in their operations. There are mainly three types of tools used by Federal Reserve Bank to implement the monetary policy- Open Market Operations, Discount Rate, Reserve Requirement. Monetary policy is set by basically raising or declining the discount rate that is charged to banks for interbank lending of surplus reserves. This rate is decided by the interbank market but FED also influences that by usage of three tools that are mentioned above. Consequences of Federal Reserve are that Federal funds rate actually affects the long-term interest rates in the economy. Fed is able to keep monetary and financial conditions stable with its monetary policy. Fed can also make policies that will help to add more reserves to the banks which will encourage the lending of low-interest rates thus influencing the growth of money and credit in the economy.... This will leverage the returns. But as the economy goes downwards, assets prices also tend to go downward and it magnifies the loss. Same was happened in the case of Lehman Brothers. They invested in Mortgage backed securities and when the housing price bubble started to default the investments became illiquid. Assume that a well managed retail bank might have a leverage of 12 times which means for every 1 pound it can lend 12 pound. But in the year 2004, Lehman had a leverage of 20 and then it increased to 44 in 2007. But then the assets prices had started to move downside. The situation had become like with 10000 pound someone was buying a property using 440000 pound mortgage and the borrower of the bank became insolvent and thus the bank. Inconsistent management decisions are responsible for it. Management should have thought again before investing in subprime mortgages. Liquidity Businesses mainly fail not because of lack of profits, but it fails because of liquidity crunch. Lehm an Brothers had its assets and liabilities based on a small amount of liquidity. In other words it didn’t have enough ready cash or liquid assets to face the crisis. When market fell, other commercial banks started to protect own selves by using Lehman’s base of credits. It means that Lehman was losing it liquidity t a very fast pace and by seen that other banks refused to trade with the company and market lost its confidence over the investment bank which was the final nail in the coffin of Lehman. The bank became totally insolvent. Overconfidence of the management that it will earn liquidity in proper time was the most vulnerable decision for the bank. Losses After the devastation of twin towers in USA in 2001, interest rates started to crash

Thursday, October 17, 2019

An experiment paper on the effectiveness of the Pandan plant in Essay

An experiment paper on the effectiveness of the Pandan plant in repelling cockroaches from food - Essay Example More often than not, people avoid cockroaches or try to kill or repel them, mainly because they carry disease and germs, and the fact that many people either find cockroaches disgusting, or are afraid of them. This is why these people spend money on insecticides, repellants, exterminators and other chemicals and gadgets for the purpose of getting rid of cockroaches. As commonly known, cockroaches are attracted to food, and are often found in dark confined places of the home. These cockroaches that we see are actually only a small percentage of the actual number of cockroaches in your home. According to an article by, â€Å"Cockroaches are nocturnal, hiding during the day and becoming active at night. The number of cockroaches people see is usually a small percentage of a much larger population.† And this means that there are definitely more cockroaches in your home than you expect. The problem with trying to maintain a cockroach-free home is that it costs quite a bit of money, and most extermination or repellant methods are difficult to apply, or have off-putting odors. This paper's aim is to test a natural, non-toxic, easy-to-use, and environment-friendly way of repelling cockroaches from your food, or your home and rooms. It aims to test the effectiveness of the pandan plant in repelling cockroaches.

What shaped the economic policy reactions during the Great Depression Essay

What shaped the economic policy reactions during the Great Depression 1929-1933 - Essay Example In the 1920s stock prices jumped a tremendous amount, to highs never seen before. Many people such as investors believed that stocks were a for sure thing. So they started borrowing heavily which would enable them to invest more money into the stock market. That was all about to end, for in 1929 the bubble was popped and stocks started to go down very quickly. By 1933 the market had reached its lowest point ever, down a total ÃŽ ¿f 80%. This hid the American economy hard; the strong demand for goods, such as major appliances went down, no more money to invest. The stock market had let many people down. During the history ÃŽ ¿f the stock market in the United States, there have been many days in which the market declined numerous points. This is referred to as a market crash. One is called "Black Thursday," which marked the beginning ÃŽ ¿f the Great Depressions. It was decades ago, when the roaring twenties came to a booming halt on October 24, 1929, as the stock market crashed. It is called Black Thursday because it was the first day ÃŽ ¿f panic and the start ÃŽ ¿f the Great Depression. Investors tried to sell stock as fast as possible on this day. Within the first twenty days ÃŽ ¿f the crash, the value ÃŽ ¿f stock held by investors in the United States fell thirty billion dollars. During the Great Depression, production and sale ÃŽ ¿f goods rapidly declined. Employment numbers dropped drastically. Many banks and businesses were forced to close their doors. Not only were jobs and savings lost for many people, but also their homes and farms. Thousands depended upon charity to survive. During the worst part ÃŽ ¿f the depression more than fifteen million people were unemployed. This figure amounted to twenty-five percent ÃŽ ¿f the nations work force. However, even the seventy-five percent ÃŽ ¿f the workforce who were able to maintain or find a job were severely affected. Many experienced major wage reductions or were given only part time work. (Great) In the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

An experiment paper on the effectiveness of the Pandan plant in Essay

An experiment paper on the effectiveness of the Pandan plant in repelling cockroaches from food - Essay Example More often than not, people avoid cockroaches or try to kill or repel them, mainly because they carry disease and germs, and the fact that many people either find cockroaches disgusting, or are afraid of them. This is why these people spend money on insecticides, repellants, exterminators and other chemicals and gadgets for the purpose of getting rid of cockroaches. As commonly known, cockroaches are attracted to food, and are often found in dark confined places of the home. These cockroaches that we see are actually only a small percentage of the actual number of cockroaches in your home. According to an article by, â€Å"Cockroaches are nocturnal, hiding during the day and becoming active at night. The number of cockroaches people see is usually a small percentage of a much larger population.† And this means that there are definitely more cockroaches in your home than you expect. The problem with trying to maintain a cockroach-free home is that it costs quite a bit of money, and most extermination or repellant methods are difficult to apply, or have off-putting odors. This paper's aim is to test a natural, non-toxic, easy-to-use, and environment-friendly way of repelling cockroaches from your food, or your home and rooms. It aims to test the effectiveness of the pandan plant in repelling cockroaches.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Managing Change and Innovation in Health Care Essay

Managing Change and Innovation in Health Care - Essay Example It has not been an easy process since the health care unlike other sectors is sensitive since it deals with the pertinent information about clients. However, with adequate planning, implementation and intervention, electronic record keeping has been a success in the health sector. In bid of this insight, this paper will present a summary of managing change and innovation in Health care as pertains to electronic record keeping. Three academic concepts will be highlighted within the discussion; foundation of planning, motivating employees, and understanding individual behavior. This will be aimed at affirming the thesis statement that asses the success and failure of electronic record keeping in the health care sector (Hayrinen, Saranto, and Nykanen, 2008). ... This has led to the adoption of the Health Information Accountability Act (HIPAA) that sets rules and standards to ensure that only authorized individuals access the patient’s information. In bid to encourage hospitals to implement electronic record keeping, the United States has posed an ultimatum of up to 2014 where all health care facilities will be expected to have implemented and electronic record keeping system. This will accrue benefits from Medicaid and Medicare while those that will have not have implemented will bear sanctions and penalties from the government. This is aimed at networking the health care system and thus increasing the efficiency of the health care system (Hayrinen, Saranto, and Nykanen, 2008). The greatest benefit of electronic record keeping in heath care organization is associated with swift access to health information. Once the information of the patient is entered into a networked computer, its access is faster compared to manual record keeping. This is consequently increases the speed with which the patients are attended to and reduces delay in the provision of care to the patients. This further enhances the continuity of care for the patient attributed to the fact that the information of the patient’s previous information is easily accessible. Consequently, upon referral of the patient, it is possible to convey the relevant information of the patient to the next care provider. Also this information is essential as it acts as a reference point in assessing the progress of the patient since the baseline data can still be accessed. This method of record keeping not only aids the health care organization but also helps the patient since they can confirm appointments from their homes and do not have to travel to the

Monday, October 14, 2019

50s Pop Culture Essay Example for Free

50s Pop Culture Essay Pop culture is commercial culture based on popular taste. Today’s pop culture consists of rap/ hip hop music, sagging jeans, high-top shoes, and 3D movies. In the 1950’s fashion, music, and technology was worlds apart from how it is today. Rock Roll, Hot Rods, black leather jackets and rebellious teens are iconic images often imagined when mentioning the 1950’s in the US. History repeats itself. This fat is perhaps the most obvious when it comes to fashion. Fashion today is heavily influenced by the fashion during the 1950’s. Girls wearing bright colors, flow dresses, tight blouses, and high-waist shorts are common now, and were during the 50’s. Guys wearing fancy suits/ dress shirts, with khakis are undoubtedly coming back into style especially among â€Å"hipsters. † The â€Å"rebel† style of the 50’s with blue jeans (which everyone wears today, but were unacceptable for young women to wear) T-shirts under leather or jean jackets, with boots and long hair is becoming quite common for the youth today. Music has played a huge role in American society for over a hundred years. In the 1950’s the fastest growing genre was Rock Roll. Largely because of teens, and they’re need to express themselves and be noticed. Music in the 50’s was one of the only things in this time embraced it fully. Country singers like Johnny Cash stayed above water because of their ingenuity, ability to adapt, and pure talent. Blues and soul artist like James Brown and Ray Charles are icons for their ability to touch people through music on a personal level. No essay about American 50’s pop culture would be complete without mentioning â€Å"The King of Rock Roll† Elvis Presley. Almost every aspect of pop culture in the 50’s was heavily influenced by the era of Rock Roll. Cars were no exception. Hot rods were very popular among the youth, but seen as death traps by adults. In reality â€Å"adult cars† like the Lincoln Continental were far more dangerous. Car advancements were huge during this time, like the growth of automatic transitions. Cars were simple to work on making it a hobby for many young adults. Racing and car shows became common. Learning about pop cultures from different is not only interesting but important too. It helps you understand how todays pop culture became the way it is. People that ask questions about why fashion is the way it is, or how music became how it is, can study past pop cultures for answers. 50’s pop culture changed music, fashion and technology forever!

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Fundamental Urban Design Principles Relevancy Cultural Studies Essay

Fundamental Urban Design Principles Relevancy Cultural Studies Essay The term Urban Design broadly tries to be understood as making places for people, or more simply put designing people-places within city-spaces. Being an inherently ambiguous term, different types of people tend to use it differently for various circumstances. But the two words when taken separately have clear meanings; urban suggesting the city or town characteristic and design referring to the planning or arrangement part. But on further study, we tend to understand that the term urban design really is a process. A process focused on planning to make better places for people. With this statement, we tend to realize the importance of the other underlining factors involved, like firstly how urban design is for and about the people, its sense of value and special significance, constrains of economical and political forces and the fact that all this is undergone as a process. Coined in North America in the late 1950s, the term urban design was used to in order to explain the design of major civic buildings and their relationship to the open spaces within the city. However, the steady increase of academics and professionals in this subject generally tend to understand urban design to be a little more than just an aesthetic arrangement of people spaces within a city. It has a more wide and inclusive meaning of solving effective problems of city growth and also organising the development within those quarters. In the pressing need for a clearer definition of urban design, Madanipour identifies and explains the seven areas of ambiguity in his book The Design of Urban space. He addresses the scale factor of the urban fabric, the visual emphasis, the social emphasis, the relationship between the process and product in the city design, the relationship between different professionals and their activities, affiliation of the public and private sectors and finally the design as an expressive or subjective process. This wide variety of ambiguities explains the lack of clarity in its definition. So as a conclusion, he defines urban design as the multidisciplinary activity of shaping and managing urban environments, interested in both the process of this shaping and the spaces it helps shape. Combining technical, social and expressive concerns, urban designers use both visual and verbal means of communication, and engage in all scales of the urban socio-spatial continuum.(Carmona,M.2003) Urban Design had theories which improved over time to form a basic structure of principles which became the core principles for any urban designer to go through before simply jumping in to the designing aspect. Different key urban designers wrote books and set standards according to the principles and theories formed. The British Urban scenario ironically began with His Highness the Prince of Wales who collaborated with others to bring about an awareness of sorts. The responsive environment book was a design manual for urban designers (published in 1985), with a compilation of several American and British theories which formed the first draft of urban design principles in a way. Although this book was mainly meant for the techniques in designs, its based on some theory as well. Most of the urban design approaches relating to the visual aspects are influences from the European style and mainly the British; on the other hand the American style was rather more in understanding the socia l aspects and regarded to the workability of that design. Gradually with the townscape tradition from Krier, L and the governments advice for broader view, the British practice became more space oriented. But still the practice retains a very strong visual tradition, especially in development control in planning. The principles were then revised again in 1990 by Bentley to strike a balance between the various previous factors and the present new ones. Then later by 2000, with collaborated effort released the Urban Design Compendium which also was an essential guideline tool for urban designers. The main urban design principles are: 1) Robustness is the quality which describes the degree to which people can use a given place for different purposes. Its in context to the quality of the public realm, which is the place for people to gather. Hence, to create an environment where everyone can access and benefit from the full range of opportunities available to the members of the society. 2) Permeability is the quality which affects the mobility of the people within the urban tissue .Its mainly about making connections in order to ease the movement. A good design would integrate the existing urban form, the natural and the built environments. 3) Legibility explains the quality that affects how easily people can understand and relate to the surrounding environment. The design focus would be to address the connections between people and places by considering the activities of people to access public spaces, recreational areas and to socialise. 4) Variety, termed for the range of uses, tenure, character, population available with the urban quarter. Also describes more of the mixed uses or the diversity of uses and forms. The design criteria would work at addressing the connections between people and places by considering the need of the people to access jobs and key services. 5) Visual appropriateness describes the quality of appearance/ aesthetics of a place making people aware of the choices available. 6) Cleanliness which is to make sure to minimise pollution or to be self cleansing. 7) Bio-diversity which is to preserve and protect the present wild-life corridor and use natural management. 8) Energy Efficient, which is to make sure to keep a tab on the energy consumption within a house, building or on a city scale. 9) Richness is the quality that affects the peoples choice of the sensory experiences. 10) Community control relating to the individuality of the neighbour community of the people. This was added instead of the Personalisation principle. By elaborating some of these principles we can easily understand how they deserve to be fundamental urban design principles. Robustness: This quality brings an element to a certain place that can be used for many different purposes, thereby offering their users more choice than places whose design limits them to a single fixed use. Robustness actually has an initial glitch to its theory, regarding the fact that most people would not opt for this quality of urban design considering the fact that at the end of the day, they are the ones paying the rent and maintaining them. Since designers have to respect the clients wishes, robustness does in fact work wonders at a large scale. When it comes down to the outdoor spaces, private garden spaces, public outdoor spaces etc, robustness can bring about its usefulness to the society. Designing the edge of the public square can make informal/seasonal market spaces. Examples, Cardiff city park, right opposite to the city hall, experiences seasonal changes in its usage. The simple park turns in to an ice skating rink for the winter for the society to make the best of the festive season. Another example is the woonerf concept, applied in Utrecht, Netherlands. Or in the British context, the home zone concept for a neighbourhood area. This robustness really encourages more social interactions and safety priorities for the children play area etc unlike other neighbourhoods. Permeability: The term permeability is basically defined as the number of alternative ways through an environment, hence giving more choices to people to freely move. To achieve good permeability, some of the guidelines followed in todays practice are: 1) The provision for accessibility is expected to include and connect both public and private spaces. By controlling the number of route choices we tend to attain the right of privacy in certain necessary areas. 2) The alternative route choices should clearly be revealed or visible to everyone, hence the term visible permeability. 3) Understanding the advantages of smaller blocks rather than large blocks, which mean more choice of routes in the latter, hence the term physical permeability. Keeping these guidelines, we design to attain a balance between the public and private spaces through access links, especially considering fronts and backs. Here is when the street network plays an important role. One of the most commonly opted patterns for a city is the grid pattern. The grid provides choice. By achieving efficient connections and allowing through access where needed, the grid pattern in the perfect example of permeability. For example, Portland city in America has a grid pattern network of streets and roads, with small block dimensions understanding the importance of permeability. Another Indian city example is Le Corbusiers Chandigarh, which has followed the grid iron pattern. Each block is divided by the road network, in to mixed use blocks which are called sectors. Legibility: This is the quality that makes a place graspable. There are different levels of legibility: physical form and activity patterns. Legibility came in to being with history. Traditional cities were always legible due to the fact that the important civic buildings in the community or city used to have a sense of relevance with the local architectural flavour, but the modern city is all steel and glass with the western influence. So there always tends to be some sort of confusion there. The key physical elements in making a place legible are: Paths, Edges, Nodes, Landmarks and Districts. Path is the channel along which the observer customarily, occasionally or potentially moves. So Create predominant elements in the urban tissue, and also by setting an image of the urban layout. For example by concentrating special uses or activities on the street may give it predominance in the mind of the observer. Edges normally are the linear element that defines a path. They also tend to behave as the boundaries between two character areas. They can be designed to give a sense of direction and improve the travel quality. The concentration of paths can be diverted with activities. Nodes can be designed with strategic foci for an observer to typically enter these sorts of junction area. These could also be paths crossing, with a big public square or a landmark. Landmarks tend to help the observer in terms of orientation, easily identifying also with the physical elements that bring it all together like the paths and edges. Also tends to bring about a feeling of class and uniqueness to the context. Districts are relatively larger areas which can have a distinct characteristic by which the observer can relate to. For example like china town in London. Some of the main physical characteristics that determine a districts area can be an endless variety of components, texture, shapes, forms, detail, building types, inhabitants and topography etc. Other than these main features the combining of new and existing elements can also try to grasp the observer. For instance combining paths and nodes, existing landmarks, edges and districts etc. For example, the city of Bath has a very legible nodal character where all the buildings are at the node, which have the paths and the edges crossing at the junction. Combining altogether to be a part of a landmark character space. At times when certain areas within a city arent legible, it certainly becomes difficult to navigate around. In Chandigarh, though the grid iron pattern design was meant to make it more permeable, certain nodes and areas look exactly the same. Visitors find this to be of a big problem, since they tend to get lost easily. So we understand the importance of how the permeability and legibility principles have to work together in order to achieve balance in the design. These principles have a strong resemblance to the principles used in developing nations like India and China. British influence in the Indian cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Calcutta can be easily seen as though like a big foot print. Understanding the overall impact of the railways and the colonization strategies of the British in India, urban designers have come away as far as the sustainable age of today. Incorporating the Indian cultural society in our neighbourhoods, slowly over the years, and at the same time being open to the western influence in design and policies has helped the Indian master planners to come forth with new innovative ideas to bring about changes to the Indian urban tissue. Most of these principles really help the urban designer in building up a society with a character. Understanding these basic fundamentals, and working out design in context to the site only helps in increasing the quality of life. Nothing is meant to be left for chance which means to say that todays city is not an accident. Its generic growth and form probably is unintentional, but its not accidental. (Carmona, M.2003)

Saturday, October 12, 2019

British Serial Killer Essay -- Psychology, Allitt

She is best known as the famous notorious British serial killer. Her crimes horrified and sickened many British families. I first heard about Beverly Allitt when I was watching TruTV. The show had a feature on Allitt and her crimes, this instantaneously caught my attention. The fact that a nurse would intentionally harm children seemed immensely ironic and riveting to me. In my eyes, a nurse was someone who cared and showed concern for a patient. Not someone who intentionally caused anguish and trauma upon innocent children. Coming into this topic, I didn’t know much about the scandalous nurse. I scarcely knew about her history and background. I had heard that Allitt was mentally sick and had suffered some obstacles during her childhood. I also knew that her main way of killing was through over doses of insulin, and that she worked at a ward for infants. The speculations that Allitt suffered from an odd mental illness always intrigued me. I’ve always had many questions about Allitt and her murders. Like, why the children were killed and why they were so young? Children would’ve been easy targets for Allitt. Since most children are smaller than most adults, it would be easier for an adult to over power a child. Also, young children are innocent and might not realize what is happening in there surroundings. This leads me to my next question, how many children were killed and how were they killed? From my small knowledge of Allits history, I thought that she had killed five children. I also knew, that her main way of killing was through large amounts of potassium or insulin. Allit’s murder weapons were easily accessible to her. I’ve always wondered if Allitt really had a mental disorder, or if she was faking it for sympathy. I t... ...lthy appendix; she then plucked at her surgical scar, causing it not to heal correctly. Allitt had been in the hospital for numerous reasons. She complained of â€Å"gall bladder pain, headaches, urinary infections, uncontrolled vomiting, blurred vision, minor injuries, appendicitis, back trouble, and ulcers†(Ramsland 2). When she was hospitalized in 1991, Allitt puzzled nurses when she â€Å"tampered with the thermometer to produce [perplexing] readings, and [also] punctured her right breast to inject herself with water† (Ramsland 2). While working at the ward, Allitt was known for doing weird things. She was suspected of â€Å"smearing feces on the walls and putting it into the refrigerator for others to find† When Beverly was convicted of her murders; she cut herself with paperclips, and burned herself with hot water. She was later placed in a mental ward for her own safety.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Child/ parent relationship in the Little Boy Crying? Essay

The poem, Little Boy Crying, written by Mervyn Morris is mainly about father and sons relationship. Poet shows the two main themes through this relationship; fathers love towards his child and his effort to lead his child into a right world in life. Mervyn Morris explores the child and parents relationship by using second person narration and language techniques such as allusion and emotive words. The important messages behind the poem are: parents love us and they will do anything to lead us to the right way. In the first stanza, the poet describes a boy who is very relaxed at first but he gets very tense with the fathers punishment. Your laughter metamorphosed into howls in the first stanza shows the change of the mood for the boy with his fathers scold. With three year old frustration, your bright eyes swimming tears, splashing your bare feet in the first stanza is described from the fathers view (using second person narrative) and he sees it as a wrong behavior and slaps the boy, causing the boy to tear. But the father does know the sons feelings when he is slapped; it is just the three year old boys emotion. You stand there angling for a moments hint of guilt or sorrow for the quick slap struck, shows that father is hiding his guilt of hitting his child and boy is looking for any evidence that, his father feels guilty for hitting him. This stanza tells the reader that father slapped the boy not with anger but with love to make his boy go to the right direction in life. Stanza two is from the boys point of view. Using allusion, the poet let the boy imagine revenge upon his father. In this stanza, the boy regards his father as a cruel giant who exercises the power over a little boy and revenge in the fairy tale. The ogre towers above you, that grim giant, empty of feeling, a colossal cruel In this stanza shows that boy really hates his father and describes him as a heartless, cruel giant ogre. You imagine chopping clean the tree hes scrambling down or plotting deeper pits to trap him in: the boy imagines himself as Jack in the fairy tale, Jack and the beanstalk, cutting down the beanstalk before the giant ogre, metaphor of his strict father, comes down. In the last stanza, the poet again emphasizes the fathers love toward his son in spite of the sons wrong doing. You cannot understand, not yet, shows that the father loves him very much and he understands what the boy feels. It also shows that father knows his son isnt old enough to understand his fathers intention of the punishment. This fierce man longs to lift you, curb your sadness with piggy back or bull fight, anything/ hidden behind that mask tells us that father may look strict to the boy but he also has a very soft side. However, it seems that disciplining his son takes precedence over showing his love to him in the line, But dare not ruin the lesson you should learn. Again the poet emphasizes that father scolded him to lead him to the right direction. Lastly, the poet adds the last line to highlight the lesson hed like to teach his son; You must not make a plaything of the rain. It shows why he goes hard on his son. As most parents do, he wants his son to grow up as a decent person and to give his son the lesson; You shouldnt play with the rain, that is, tear because the tear cannot always be the answer. In conclusion, Mervyn Morris explores child and parents relationship using second person narration and imagery. The poem shows the fathers endless love towards his child and his efforts to lead him to the right direction in life. The poem leaves another important message through the relationship between the father and the son; we should always appreciate our parents, who are always there for us when we need help, not only with giving love to us but also with disciplining us. Source: Songs of our selves-IGCSE poetry anthology

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Organisms Physiology Essay

Organism Physiology is the method in which many diverse living organisms are considered to have developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth that can be defined as Evolution. Several organisms have evolved as a result of environmental changes within their habitats. Example is a diagram of a whale and details about how the whale has evolved physiologically and has become adapted to fit the environment. Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Cordata, Class: Mammalia, Order: Cetacea, Sub-order: Odontoceti, Family: Delphinidae, Genus: Orcinus, Species: Orca. Whales occupy all oceans and major seas, even some are in larger river systems. They are very large animals. They can grow up to 100 ft. or more in length. They can weigh up to 200 tons or more. Whales live in families called pods. These pods vary in numbers and consist of family members and family friends. Whales live in these families their whole life. Group living is safer when other whales or sharks attack. It also makes it easier to find food. Whales are always migrating. They travel to find food, breed and have young. Whales do not have eyelids. They rely on thick oily tears to protect their eyes. Whales hear from little holes behind their eyes. They talk to each other by making high pitched sounds like whistles, clicks, squeaks, rattles, and groans. Whales inhabit all oceans and the seven seas; some also inhabit larger river systems. They are extremely social organism and use communication for the function of hunting, defense, and reproduction. In general a dolphins live pods of up to a dozen individuals. Dolphin pods can emerge temporally forming a super pod the emerging pods may exceed thousands of dolphins. Attachments in pods are not set; interchange is regular. On the other hand, whales can generate great social bonds; they will remain with wounded or individuals in poor hea lth, even assisting other whales to breathe by bringing them to the surface if required. Whales arewidely classed as predators, but their food ranges from microscopic plankton to very large fish. Males are called bulls; females, cows. The young are called calves. Because of their environment, whales are conscious breathers: they decide when to breathe. All mammals sleep, including whales, but they cannot afford to fall into an unconscious state for too long, since they need to be conscious in order to breathe. Whales also communicate with each other using lyrical sounds. Being so large and powerful these sounds are also extremely loud depending on the species. The most dangerous predator for the whale is mankind and climate change. Man slaughters whales for their meat, fat, and for being in the same location where they fish. There studies at this time being done to evaluate the influence of pollution in the water and the effects on whales. Whales are threatened by climate change and global warming. As the Antartic Ocean warms, krill populations, that are the main food source of some species of whales, reduce dramatically, being replaced by jelly like salps. . Whales give birt h to live young, and the mother nurses the calf with her milk and provides care. The calf is nursed by the mother for one and one half years to three years and a mother will stay with her young three to eight years. Whales are thought to live about 40-80years. Whales vary basis of their ecosystem and what is necessary for them to survive in their ecosystem (Getten, 2006). All whales, dolphins, and porpoises species are related. Fossil data has been discovered from the early Eocene epoch that point toward information that whales were already aquatic 45-50million years ago. It is thought that animals that spent a great amount of time hunting for food around water areas and went through a period in an amphibious stage before becoming adapted to live in the water and the animal became dedicated to the water. Records show that by in their teeth it took millions of years for true cetaceans to develop (Brakes, Simmonds 2011). The whale has adapted to the environment in many ways from the once amphibious animal it is thought to have evolved from. Fossil evidence reveals that after prehistoric whales decided to be aquatic, it did not take long for bones of the hind limbs to disappear. The front limbs evolved into flippers and the powerful tail is their most important forward motion mechanism. Anatomically, dolphins’ bodies have adapted to become more efficient to move in the water. Whales, like dolphins are m arine mammals and like all mammals they require oxygen to  survive. Unlike other sea creatures such as fish, a whale would suffocate in water if it did not have a blowhole for oxygen. The blowhole is situated on or near the top of their head and acts as an airway passage for breathing. Whales cannot breathe through their mouth because the esophagus (food passage) and trachea (oxygen passage) are completely separated from each other. Although whales must breathe oxygen they can spend up to 90% of their lives underwater. The eyes of a whale are relatively small when compared to the rest of its body. Their eyes are well adapted to aquatic life and secrete oil used to lubricate and protect their eyes from debris and other chemicals in the ocean. They are not capable of secreting tears as humans do, but their cries can be heard vocally from many miles away. They have a condensed body with a somehow a tapered head that caused the vertebrae neck to fuse together. Instead of a main blood supply to the brain on the exterior of the neck, the whale blood flows through an artery in the vertebrae that supply a continuous supply of blood, which is most vital when diving into the depths of the ocean. The skin of a whale is extremely smooth, hairless, dense, and not do have glands. Their skin is kept smooth by continuously sloughing off and being restored. On average their skin is restored at a speed nine times faster than a human. Whales have a tendency to depend on their sense of hearing to survive. Other senses have had to adapt for survival in the blackness of the ocean’s deepness. The structure of the whale’s melon (the fatty tissue in front of the blow whole) functions as a lens to direct sound when the dolphin generates high pitched clicks for echolocation. When the sound echoes back the small bone under the chin, called trepan bone, receives the sonic report and stimulates the brain by means of the inner ear. By means of echolocation, whales can estimate distance by measuring the time between releasing the clicks and the return of echoes. Through this incredible ability, whales can consider the size, shape, direction of movement, and distance of objects in the ocean water (Getten, 2006). In conclusion dolphins have adapted agreeably to survive in the depths of the ocean, seven seas and in large rivers systems. They have evolved in structure and ability to reproduce successfully and flourish. Having the intriguing ability of echolocation provides whale’s considerable advantage while feeding in the environment in which they live. They are extrem ely energetic, gentle, and intelligent. The only main threats to whales are humans through various ways and climate change. If whales are left alone in their ecosystems their species would be able to survive successfully. References Brakes, P., & Simmonds, M. P. (2011). Whales and dolphins: Cognition, culture, conservation and human perceptions. London, UK: Earthscan. Getten, M. J. (2006). Communicating with orcas: The whales’ perspective. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Pub. Co. Whales and Dolphins Website : Whales. (2011, March 11). Retrieved December 7, 2013, from

The Cheesecake Factory

There are a couple Of particular thoughts inside the set Of accepted rules that has some seriousness to the Cheesecake Factory†s business. It is basic that this set of principles is secured in light of the fact that staff parts must comprehend the Cheesecake Factory's morals and conviction framework in correlation to different associations in light of the fact that it may vary as to social substance, values, and requesting of convictions (Machines & Von, 2005). The principal critical thought in the set of accepted rules is clash of investment.The organization particularly expresses that a worker must keep away from circumstances in which a clash of investment would exist or have the presence of a clash of premium. This is greatly critical to the business on the grounds that it will keep workers from having the presence of giving special treatment to relatives, foremen, and business engages. In the event that the organization were to permit such conduct it could open them up to poor business exchanges that may not be beneficial and in addition block the current connections they have shaped with endorsed business associations.A typical case of this is if a general supervisor of an area had a relative who as a cry businessperson it would be disgraceful for that GM to use that relative to plan and offer requests of whimper to the restaurant. Besides, the set of accepted rules has procurements that make preparations for requesting. The non-requesting condition expresses that all workers and visitors should not feel influenced to buy or engage in merchandise and administrations that are non organization related.This is to help maintain a strategic distance from a circumstance where the organization's advantage ND brand is erroneously coincided with an alternate organization's advantage and brand. This can turn into a significant issue with a business in light of the fact that it can unmistakably open a business up to undue legitimate liabilities. Case in point, if a worker is offering corrective items inside the restaurant and the items cause a client to have a hypersensitive response the organization can be held at risk on the grounds that they gave the appearance they were embracing the items to the client.These two particular territories are greatly critical to the practicality of the business on he grounds that they can both open the organization up to undue obligation and are regularly two zones inside a set of accepted rules that can without much of a stretch be misconstrued. The key steps that can be taken by the executive to safeguard that the understood rules are followed by making the staff mindful of the set of principles. This is possible essentially by making it a vital piece of the employing procedure where the representative needs to sign that they read the set of principles and additionally being given a duplicate.This guarantees hat all workers are made mindful of the doe of behavior and having a duplicate promptly access ible when they are confronted with a circumstance they accept may have suggestions inside the set of principles. The Cheesecake Factory should then consider workers responsible to the implicit rules. This is possible through activity notices and verbal censures when there are infringement if the set Of accepted rules. For instance, the set of principles entirely forbids clashes of investment.In the event that the former case we expressed were to happen between the GM and the cry councilperson it would be basic that the representative is composed up expressing the infringement and the conceivable outcomes of their activities. It will be critical to distinguish the infringement on the implicit rules and additionally referencing their marking of the set of principles demonstrating they were mindful of the strategy'. Notwithstanding this It is critical that the Cheesecake Factory makes an environment where morals are esteemed.This is through the consolation of great choices through appl ause and in addition secretly decrying dishonest resistances. This is basic on the grounds that morals give a worker values that will figure out if their activities are correct or wrong and in addition if the result of such choices will be great or awful (Kicking & Grittier, 2004). When you make the best possible environment for morals to flourish you can guarantee that a set of accepted rules is maintained and hotly taken after. Finally, the Cheesecake Factory has a huge number of chances that could permit it to be all the more socially responsive in the groups in which it works.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

War on Terrorism policies in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

War on Terrorism policies in America - Essay Example rn world, Guy Fawkes is seen as the first true terrorist with his effort to destroy English Parliament in 1605 by placing gunpowder beneath the building. In the American colonies, the Sons of Liberty attacked property of the British in the Americas because of their opposition to British rule and the Stamp Act. Through the rest of the 18th and 19th centuries, noteworthy accounts of terrorist tactics moved further East, through Eastern Europe and into the Middle East coming off centuries of relatively stable rule under the now defunct Ottoman Empire. With the Empire's collapse, armed political groups now vied for power through the vast expanses of the Middle East, which would lead to the political instability still in effect. Modern-day Islamic terrorist organizations oppose the Western world culturally and politically, and attempt to defend or promote Islamic culture by means of violent acts. This is characterized by many supporters as a "war" (or "Jihad"), whether as a means of retri bution or religious punishment for the West's aggression. The United States, in late 2001, responded to terrorist attacks by declaring a so-called "war on terrorism". Terrorism today, to most Westerners, refers to terrorism inspired by Islam. This radical shift to religious, or cultural, aspects of the terrorist act separates it from the 18th and 19th century traditions of strictly political acts of terror. Although Islamic terrorism certainly has political aspects to it, it is still ideologically justified in the language of the Islamic faith. Tokens like the Quran, Allah, and Jihad are used to create support for what are actually political goals. However, Islamic terrorism exists within many different countries in the Middle East, as opposed to past examples like IRA or the RAF, which... Terrorism today, to most Westerners, refers to terrorism inspired by Islam. This radical shift to religious, or cultural, aspects of the terrorist act separates it from the 18th and 19th-century traditions of strictly political acts of terror. Although Islamic terrorism certainly has political aspects to it, it is still ideologically justified in the language of the Islamic faith. Tokens like the Quran, Allah, and Jihad are used to create support for what are actually political goals. However, Islamic terrorism exists within many different countries in the Middle East, as opposed to past examples like IRA or the RAF, which existed strictly in Ireland and Germany respectively. The distribution of this new kind of terrorism makes it difficult to defend against, especially as they infiltrate Western societies to both learn from them and to attack them. The Patriot Act, a statute enabling the United States government additional surveillance tactics to â€Å"intercept and obstruct† terrorism, was enacted in October 2001. These privileges included eases on restrictions on foreign intelligence gathering, additional powers to regulate financial transactions, and increases in powers to conduct searches on the telephone and electronic communication without proper warrants (Chang). By expanding the official definition of domestic terrorism, the Patriot Act created a large umbrella of new powers for combating terrorism on American soil. However, these new powers were created only after severe terrorist attacks.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Business information system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Business information system - Essay Example The marketing technique used by CPS is also archaic. They depend on advertising themselves on newspapers and magazines as well as organizing open days to allow people to learn more about the school. The school does not have a website, and hence faces a hard time especially in the process of recruiting teachers. This is especially so because other schools are adopting IT and their working procedures are continually being simplified. Students lack adequate Information Technology knowledge since they do not have a computer lab where they can be taught computer classes. Teachers have also complained that the process of researching via books and recording every information on paper is very tedious. Collaboration with the outside world is impossible due to lack of a modern system of IT. They do not have a virtual learning system, and hence open learning, and distance learning cannot be take place in CPS. The available computers are stuffed with a lot of files, and the files have not even b een arranged; they have just been dumped into the computer. This makes the computers useless, since they cannot achieve their role. Accessing the files that have already been saved on the computer is also very hard. Introduction With the recent revolutions and inventions in the field of technology, one ought to stay up to date. There is a need to upgrade to better technological systems so as to catch up with the rest of the world. Information technology is the pillar of every successful business of the modern day world. Technology has helped to reduce the burden of having to work for long hours by introducing methods of working effectively and maximally for a shorter period than it used to be. The introduction of the latest technology into CPS can have various benefits. This paper will give a critical analysis and review of CPS, regarding its use of technology. Literature review (Theoretical concept of Business information system) Technology is a key to success in today’s wor ld (Blaze 2010). Not very many people are able to live in a world that lacks technology. Everyone wants to have a mobile phone and a PC in the modern world (Burnstein 2007). People want to drive vehicles that have the latest technology installed in them. Employees want to do work with the help of modern machines (Goodpasture 2009). Technology is everything. The teachers of CPS live a very stressing life. For example, they have to mark exam papers, then record the marks in a book manually. Their record keeping is also manual, in books, and this would mean that in case of a fire, all their data would be lost. What would happen if the marks of the final exams of students got lost in a fire? This would be a very terrible situation since most of the students would not care about what happened; they would sue the school. Most of the students may also leave school when they are not fully conversant with the computer system. This would pose as a threat to them since they would not be able t o fit in the world after school, considering that everyone is getting acquainted with the technology. The school may also face a problem of marketing itself. With the advancement of technology, not many people buy newspapers and magazines; people simply don’t have space for such paper work in their houses and offices (Sutherland 2005). Most people read them online, and get news from different internet sources (Hoolladay 2011) Social